Lifting tables that move transversely in a pit are used on floor-level tracks. In combination with mobile support frames, they enable easy and time-saving wheelset changes on any vehicle bogie. In addition, mobile track bridges ensure that rail vehicles can pass over the pit unhindered, even when the wheelset changer is not in use.
On ground-level tracks, we use bogie lowering devices that move transversely in a pit. In combination with mobile support frames, they enable problem-free and time-saving bogie changes, even with different vehicle types.
Thanks to the lowering device, several tracks within a depot can also be operated efficiently.

Alternatively, longitudinally movable lifting tables with an additional transversely adjustable lifting platform can also be used on lifting jack tracks.
This design enables quick and easy bogie replacement when vehicles are lifted. Thanks to the flexible movement options, bogies can be replaced efficiently and precisely, making maintenance considerably easier.

In depots with elevated track systems, it is possible to use a rotatable bogie changer.
This system, consisting of a hydraulically operated lifting table with a 90° turning device and mobile support gantries, enables the removal and lateral replacement of bogies from a vehicle.
The major advantage over transversely movable lowering devices are the significantly lower foundation costs.

Our wheelset changers enable wheelsets to be removed quickly in workshops, whether with floor-level or elevated track systems. Thanks to various designs, they offer flexible and efficient solutions for every type of workshop.

In depots with elevated tracks, lifting tables are used, which are inserted into track areas with swivelling track bridges using a forklift. In combination with mobile supports, they enable the wheelset to be removed from the side on a pallet.

Changing wheelsets on a level, embedded track in combination with a lifting system.
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